Nuria listens while tending to her bees at the Honey Bee Research Centre in Guelph, Ontario.

Courtney listens while crafting eco-caskets in Oahu.

Amanda listens while refinishing chairs in Denver.

Ben listens in Australia, while typing letters on his Royal KM typewriter to a man on death row at San Quentin.

Sean listens while driving a truck in the Ohio River Valley.

Awon from East London listens in her millinery studio.
Josette listens while waiting for the metro.

Joakim listens while walking in Kalix, Sweden, not far from the Arctic Circle.

Sarah listens while cooking, in Brooklyn

Kenya listens during her morning commute, while sitting in traffic.

Joyce listens while walking her cat Spice, in Ontario
Anna listens while driving her 18-wheeler.

Lizzy listens while walking in Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa.

Sara listens while riding her bike in Copenhagen.

Cleo, Earlonne’s former cellie says “I always find time to listen! The stories/testimonials are great conversational starters with my co-workers.”

Macro listens in Monterrey, Mexico while driving and appreciating the view and how beautiful the world is.

Heidi and Samira listen while driving in Toronto.
Christina listens while working at a Public Defender's Office.

Leighann listens with the drug and alcohol group she facilitates at a juvenile detention facility in the Bay Area.

Ruth listens while running along the canals in the Netherlands.

Nik listens in Edinburgh, while exercising the family python.

Janis listens while painting in her studio in Austin, Texas.
Ben listens in Geneva, Switzerland, while shopping for watermelon.

Alvaro listens while painting in his studio in Los Angeles.