Episode 3: Looking Out

Illustration of Rauch by Antwan Williams

Illustration of Rauch by Antwan Williams

The need to nurture and show love for another living being (or, in San Quentin parlance, “looking out”) is an essential human impulse. Away from your family and friends in prison, this can be difficult – if not impossible. Sure, guys create strong bonds among themselves that help to alleviate the pain of missing family. But like on the outside, some people inside just relate better to animals than people.

Thanks to Rauch (aka Ronell Draper) for sharing his story, and to the guys who contributed to the Yard Talk segments in this episode: Jovon Mills, Kao Chung, Henry Charles, Rahsaan Thomas, Sha Wallace-Stepter, Arnulfo Garcia, Aly Tamboura, Emile DeWeaver, Antwan Williams, E. Phil Phillips, Curtis "Wall Street" Carroll, Donte Smith and Noah.

The song "Worth It" was written and performed by Jovan Mills, and Sister Maria is played by Sandy Claire.

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Here's a transcript of “Looking Out,” and you can download an episode here.

Big thanks also to MailChimp and Bombas for supporting the show.

Season 1